Most Recent Service

October 6, 2024

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
— Hebrews 10:25

September 29 - Service w/Notes

Name above all names

Sunday sermon focuses on the teachings from the Book of Philippians, particularly chapter 2, verses 9 through 11. The pastor begins by reflecting on the humility of Jesus, who took on human form and lived as a servant, as highlighted in the previous verses. This humility led to His exaltation by God, who gave Him the highest position and a name above all others. The speaker emphasizes that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, as stated in Philippians 2:10-11. To reinforce this message, comparisons are made with other biblical passages, such as John 13 and Isaiah 45, showing the consistency of this theme throughout the scriptures. The sermon also addresses common theological misunderstandings, affirming that Jesus is both God and Savior. It concludes with a strong call to recognize and worship Jesus as the ultimate authority and source of salvation.

  • 📘 Bible Study on Philippians: The video focuses on a study of Philippians 2, verses 9 through 11.

  • ✝️ Humility and Exaltation: Jesus humbled Himself and was exalted by God to the highest place, receiving a name above all names.

  • 🙏 Every Knee Will Bow: Every person will acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

  • 🔍 Supporting Scriptures: The speaker uses other Bible verses to show Jesus' divinity and authority.

  • 💡 Key Point: Jesus is both God and Savior, and salvation is only through Him.

September 22 - Service w/Notes

The attitude of christ

Video Title: Sunday Service - The Humility and Exaltation of Christ (Philippians 2:5-11)

In this sermon, we dive into Philippians 2:5-11, exploring the profound humility and subsequent exaltation of Jesus Christ. The message emphasizes the need for humility, unity, and servanthood in the Christian life by drawing parallels to the life of Christ. Key takeaways and theological insights help believers understand and apply these principles in their own walk with God.

Key Points Covered in This Sermon:

  • 💡 Christ’s Humility in Action
    Jesus, though equal to God, took on human form and became a servant, showcasing true humility.

  • 🙏 Servanthood Illustrated by Jesus
    The act of washing the disciples' feet symbolizes Jesus’ willingness to serve, even in the lowest capacity.

  • 📜 Christ’s Exaltation as a Result of Obedience
    God exalted Jesus to the highest place, affirming His divine nature and authority.

  • 🔍 The Name Above Every Other Name
    The title “Lord” bestowed on Jesus signifies His ultimate authority and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.

  • 🌍 Call to Humility and Unity
    Believers are encouraged to reflect on Christ’s example and adopt a mindset of humility and unity within the church.

Scripture References: Philippians 2:5-11, John 13:4-5, Matthew 27:46, Isaiah 45:23, Hebrews 1:3
Watch the full video to learn how Christ’s humility and exaltation influence the church and the life of every believer.


September 15 - Service w/ Notes

Living in harmony

Paul's Mission and the Philippian Church: Unity and Faith


  • 🔔 Introduction and Reminder: The speaker opens by reminding the audience about a study on the book of Philippians and begins a deep dive into the origins of the church in Philippi, connecting it with Paul’s second missionary journey.

  • ✝️ Founding of the Philippian Church: Paul’s journey to Philippi is highlighted, where he encounters a group of women praying by a river. Lydia, a merchant of purple cloth, listens to Paul’s preaching, believes, and is baptized, marking the start of the Philippian church.

  • 🏛️ Paul’s Letter from Prison: The speaker transitions to discussing Paul’s letter to the Philippians, written during his imprisonment in Rome. Despite his imprisonment, Paul continues to encourage the church.

  • 💬 Instruction to the Church: A large portion of the message is dedicated to Paul’s instructions to the Philippians, encouraging them to live lives worthy of the gospel and to stand united in faith.

  • 🌍 Application for Today: The speaker draws parallels between the church in Philippi and modern believers, urging them to evangelize and live out their faith in the real world, while also fostering unity within the church community.

  • 💡 Spiritual Encouragement: The message concludes by emphasizing encouragement from Christ and the need for Christians to love and support each other, mirroring the relationship between Christ and the church.

September 8 - Service w/ Notes

Where Does God Live?

Study Notes: Where Does God Live?

Key Themes:

  1. Exploration of God’s Existence:

    • Question posed: Where did God live before creation?

    • Discussion on the depth of understanding God’s nature and existence.

  2. Scriptural Reference:

    • Focus on Ephesians, specifically verses 12-19.

    • Importance of understanding our past (separated from God) and present (reconciled through Christ).

Key Verses:

  • Ephesians 2:12: Reminder of being separated from God.

  • Ephesians 2:13: Now, in Christ, we have eternal life.

  • Ephesians 2:19: No longer strangers or foreigners; we belong to God’s family.


  1. Separation and Reconciliation:

    • Humans were once separated from God (verse 12).

    • Through Christ, we are reconciled and transformed (verses 13-19).

  2. Reconciliation Analogy:

    • Reconciliation is likened to balancing a bank account; God’s grace offsets our debts.

  3. Transformation in Christ:

    • Believers are changed from being foreigners to being part of God’s household.

Practical Applications:

  • Personal Reflection: Consider how one’s life reflects being in Christ versus being outside of Him.

  • Role in the Body of Christ: Each believer has a unique role, contributing to the body of Christ (hands, feet, etc.).


  • Emphasizing the importance of understanding our identity in Christ.

  • Encouragement to live a life centered on Jesus, who should not be marginalized but rather be the core of our existence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does understanding your identity in Christ change how you view your past?

  2. In what ways can you ensure that Christ remains the center of your life?

September 1 - Service w/ Notes

Peace out of Hostility

Study Notes: Peace out of Hostility

1. Opening Prayer and Context

  • Prayer for Community: Remember families and individuals who are facing challenges, including the López family and those in California.

  • Focus on Ephesians: The teaching centers on Ephesians 2:11-19, emphasizing unity and peace through Christ.

2. Key Themes from Ephesians 2:11-19

  • Separation from Christ: Gentiles were once excluded from the promises of Israel, described as ‘uncircumcised’.

  • Brought Close by Christ: Through Christ’s sacrifice, those who were far have been brought near.

  • Unity in Christ: Christ breaks down the barriers between groups, creating peace and a unified humanity.

  • Access to God: Both Gentiles and Jews now have access to the Father through the Spirit.

3. Message Title: “Peace Out of Hatred”

  • Cultural Reference: Mention of John Lennon and his dream of a unified world.

  • Current Conflicts: Acknowledgment of ongoing global conflicts and the dream of peace.

4. Concept of Nationalism vs. Globalism

  • Nationalist Mindset: Emphasis on the importance of national identity and strength.

  • Global Unity: Discussion on the dream of a world without borders, reflecting Lennon’s ideals.

5. Religion vs. Relationship

  • Misconception of Religion: Many believe they must earn God’s favor; the truth is that grace is a gift through Christ.

  • Personal Relationship with Christ: Focus on having a relationship rather than adhering to religious rules.

6. Call to Action

  • Unity in Belief: Encouragement to focus on belief in Christ for salvation, not religion.

  • Recognition of Brokenness: Acknowledgment of the world’s brokenness and the need for Christ as the solution.

7. Conclusion

  • Christ as Peace: Affirmation that Jesus is the source of peace, breaking down walls and uniting humanity.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does understanding our unity in Christ change our perspective on conflicts and divisions in the world?

  2. What does it mean to you to have a personal relationship with Christ rather than adhering to religious practices?

  3. In what ways can we work towards peace in our local communities?





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